Confidential settlement as to the identity of the parties involved in a medical malpractice case resulting from a hospital’s, ob-gyn’s and nurses’ negligence in knowing the hospital did not delivery premature babies nor had the facilities or specialists to do so safely, and then failing to transfer a pregnant mother with severe preeclampsia to a tertiary center where she could be better monitored and safely delivery her baby prematurely. The hospital, ob-gyn and nurses had plenty of time to transfer mother and baby before causing damage to the placental blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients to the baby, but never did resulting in having to deliver the baby by urgent c-section at the non-tertiary hospital. The baby was born lifeless and without a heartbeat due to the damage caused to the placental blood flow before being born and after resuscitation, the baby is left with Cerebral Palsy, spastic quadriplegia and other conditions directly related to the negligence in failing to transfer the pregnant mother to a tertiary care center where this catastrophe would have been easily prevented. With the settlement, the family’s financial needs will be met forever, and the child’s future medical needs will be provided.